Schtûbat - we are 100 % climate neutral
Being 100 % climate neutral means that we are obliged to reduce greenhouse gases - by means of several EU-certified actions to be taken, by improved technologies and by innovations so that we are able to reduce CO2 emission remarkably. For us it is a duty as well as our responsibility to work and live in a sustainable, ecological and social way. We would appreciate, if you may spend your holidays at Schtûbat with a clear conscience and take a time off in a sustainable way in combination with high comfort.
Our Schtûbat is well-furnished ant equipped with many environmentally friendly and certified features: At Schtûbat there is triple glazing, very efficient thermal insulation, a geothermal heat pump, a solar system. Furthermore water pressure regulators as well as rainwater storage tanks for the garden irrigation help to reduce water consumption.
We consume green electricity, we have a car charging station of type 2 – 22 KW (European standard – also suitable for Zero Motorcycles) as well as a charging station in the bike storage room for e-bikes, we have energy saving LED-lamps and motion detectors all over the place. All our furnitures as well as the Schtûbat frontage are untreated (no paint and varnish nor neither outside nor inside). We offer a central refrigerator for drinks instead of Minibars in the rooms. We use climate neutral cleaning materials. Most of the groceries is purchased from local suppliers, if possible. We appreciate very much to have a wide range of high quality products we may choose from here in Andelsbuch!
We are a member of the Klimaneutralitätsbündnis 2025.
Our Schtûbat Specials
Adventure mountain biking in the midst of the Bregenzerwald ... READ MORE> MOUNTAIN BIKING
You love both? Mountain AND lake? ... READ MORE> MOUNTAIN & LAKE
Having picnic at the most beautiful spots ... READ MORE> EASY PICNIC
Having breakfast wherever you like ... READ MORE> BREAKFAST ALL OVER
Enjoy "Rigoletto" from 22nd July until 22nd August 2021 ... READ MORE> BREGENZ FESTIVAL
If you are interested in special adventures, shopping guides, hiking tours or extraordinary events, please do not hesitate to contact us. We'd love to send you individual offers and proposals!